Seeing Your Worth Challenge

Welcome to the Seeing Your Worth Challenge page at CoCreatorDeb Life Coaching. This challenge is designed to help you choose to see your true worth through developing self-care habits in 8 different areas. 

Challenge Requirements:

21 Day Challenge: Complete 12 days of all goals.

90 Day Challenge: Complete 50 days of all goals

180 Day Challenge: Complete 98 days of all goals

These do not need to be consecutive! It's OK to miss a day or more.

You continue counting your days from where you left off. 

What are the Goals?

EAT - Set a 15-minute timer for 2 meals a day

SLEEP - Engage in an evening routine

MOVE - 5000 steps a day

BE STILL - 10 minutes of meditation a day

PREPARE - Engage in a morning routine

PRESENCE - 1 hour of screen-free time a day

GRATITUDE - Record three gratitudes a day

JOY - Incorporate something I am passionate about into my life



21 days

Cost: FREE

Complete: 12 days of all goals 

  • What you get: -Introduction videos 
  • - 2 other videos 
  • - Certificate of completion 


90 days

Cost: $75

Complete: 50 days of all goals 

  • What you get: -Introduction videos 
  • 12 other videos 
  • - Certificate of completion 
  • - GroupMe community


180 Days

Cost: $150

Complete: 98 days of all goals 

  • What you get: -Introduction videos 
  • - 24 other videos 
  • - Certificate of completion 
  • - GroupMe community
  • - Coaching session with Deborah